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The following poems were inpired by the original genius of the "epic poem." Poets who such as John Milton "Paradise Lost",
William Blake. The epic poems of Faust, The Fairie Queen, and The Divine Comedy. My poems are not nearly as lengthy as these classics are, but run along the same metaphysical lines. The following works are channeled, mostly channeling Nature Spirits, so they do not follow the classical structures of story telling.
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Supernatural Wonderings: A recently, rediscovered book of poetry. An epic poem concerning a man who travels through the realms of Angels, and the Realms of monsters.

Pandemonium: Pandemonium A, is part one of the epic story. It was written as an introduction to Pandemonium B. In this epic, Gothic adventure. The ghost of a graveyard security guard, who is called to the castle of Pandemonium experiences many troubling circumstances on his way down to the Devil's palace. In part two, Pandemonium B, the ghostly guard explores the interior of the castle, and is forced to recite the Devil's book of the dead.

Odyssey of the Necromancer: Three books of poetry,. Part poetry, part prose. These books are fictional, Gothic poems about a Necromancer, the last of his kind, as he tries end the world of evil. The books are set in an age of magic prior to the Great Flood. In the first book the necromancer, named Pharaoh raises the dead for the last time, ushering in the story of the end of sorcery on earth. In the second book, called THE SATYR CENTAUR APOCALYPSE , the last necromancer tells the story of the end of hybrid creatures, like Centaurs, Pans, Sphinxes, Griffins. In the third book, Pharoah must travel through evil enchanted realms in order to destroy the powers of sorcery on earth, and allow for the coming of the Great Flood that would end mankind's reign of terror.

Neo-Edda: Odin’s Grail: The poem is over 1, 300 lines in length. It was written in June and July of this year. It is set before the age of poets, before the Young Edda, and the Elder Edda. The poem takes place before the Norse gods earned their places as good, and bad. The poem is set on the shores of Norway, where Odin raises a mighty storm. Odin chooses to spend as long as it takes suspended from the great, mighty Yggdrasil tree, until he receives the mysteries of the Runes. Odin spends nine days upon the tree. In this epic poem Odin travels through the Nine Worlds, witnessing the creation of the universe, the birth of Elves. He witnesses miracles, Giants, and wondrous beings. The poem explains why, and how Odin sacrifices his eye, and receives his magic spear Gungnir. This is an epic poem that gives all the answers as to how Odin suspended himself upon the tree, and how he received his wound. A story of adventure through the Nine Worlds from Niflheim, to Aesir.

Procession of the Mimicking: I began to write this book on December 1st, 2019. It was completed on December 19th, 2019. The book began as a collection of footnotes from my personal library. It quickly developed into a book about Shamanism. In this book I detail many of secretive behaviors concerning Shamanism, secrets of Cosmic, and Quantum affinity. Processes that develope intense empathy, and psychic ability. The book reveals the hidden veils of the Philosopher's Stone, what some call he Foundation Stone. It reveals the veils of the hidden light within the Medicine Wheel of the Four Directions. It exposes secrets to obtaining clairvoyant, and telekinetic faculties. This book unveils the truth behind the art of Flying Ointments, a powerful, potent form of witchcraft. This book details the true secretive powers of the DreamTime, and how to obtain them.

Revelations of the Green Dragon: This book is for personal, solitary practice only. The book is designed to unit Paganism, and Christianity in mutual understanding, and respect. To bring culture, and peace between all Faiths. Please read to the end... First written in the mid 1990's this short book is made of a series of samples of my Magnum Opus, the Psi-Pantheon Arcana. Contains deep occult knowledge on how to perform High Magick rituals using a Pentacle, and the Blood of Christ.. The book also contains knowledge of Angel Magick, Royal Arch Mysticism, the Zodiac, and White Witchcraft. It is designed for the experienced occultist. It is the One Source, Creator that allows for all Magick to manifest. It is to your Creator, all glory goes. This kind of Magick is purely solitaire. It is meant as a strengthening of your personal , private relationship between you and your God. Angels can not be bound into Magick, they can be called upon to assist in strengthening the bound between you and God, but only upon going through the authority of God, or your definition of the Supreme Being.

Tablets of Destiny: Book of the Annunaki: Everything concerning the world of UFOLOGY is all about the future. This book is a Trance Channeled expose of Grand Unifying Field Theories, uniting all the many phenomena of Ancient Aliens, and modern UFOLOGY. This book describes in detail the concept that the Universe is a living, breathing, conscious, interconnected, organism; a single organism, like the concept of earth’s life being a single organism. It describes exactly how this is. This concept is called the Cosmic Gaia. The book explains the purpose and the role of the Anunnaki in developing the world’s Religions. Why the world’s Religions are important to our future. The book describes why the Root Races of Mu, Lemuria, and Atlantis existed, and what went on during these vast ages. It descibes the use of global Crsyatl Skulls. What, and where exactly was Atlantis? Also you will learn the answers as to why there are Alien Abductions, Implantations, cattle mutilation’s, and why Alien probes, and Alien species are taking samples of life on earth. You will further learn the meanings of the crop circles. This book answers such questions as ‘What are the UFO’s we are seeing? How do they work? And why are often subject to interact with them? What was the meaning of the abduction of Travis Walton? Why did the Anunnaki help foster the prophets of the worlds Religions? Learn the truth of our destiny as it relates to what Nibiru really is. How was the universe created? And how do the Anunnaki use the codes within creation for their vast array of technologies? What is the reason purpose for DMT, and the ancient cave writings of the first Shamans? What is the purpose of the crystalline stone temples scattered throughout Europe? How do UFO’S work? What is their mechanics? What is the true fabric, and structure of the universe? Its all detailed here for you. Please enjoy.

Vesta Flame Energy Healing Book: Welcome to volume one of a book of very powerful, effective grand attunements into all forms or moduals of Reiki. In this Reiki manuel you will experience a series of White Light Meditiations, meet your Spirit Guides, and Guardian Angels. You will experience effective cleansings of present and past lives. You will be attuned to Indigenous Reiki, to the Yellow Emperor, and to Kuan Yin. You will be attuned to the world’s first Hebrew inspired Reiki of the Menorah.......This book contains intense chakra, Kundalini, and Psychic Third Eye activations, and attunements. You will receive attunements, empowerments, and activations to Violet Flame, Holy Flame, Crystal and Indigenous Reiki. Indigenous Reiki has attunements to Nature, Nature Spirits, and your Elders. In this book you will be attuned to, empowered too, and activated with Asclepius, Ophiuchus, the Oracles of Delphi, Apollo, Hermes, Panacea, Vesta, Bridgit, the Emerald Tablet, and Alchemy Reiki. This also includes the Seven Ascended Masters of the Seven Rays, the Seven Seals of the Chakras, and Sacred Geometry, as well as the 13 Crystal Skulls, and finally achieve Universal Cosmic Healing Affinity.. For reasons of copyright of my modual I have left out three, lenghty guided mediaitions. Also, over 180 illustrations that I created are available only on hard copy, or paperback.

The Gospel of Paradoxs: This book is a powerful revelation of the Secrets of Alchemy, Angels, human origin, extraterrestrial life. It contains revelations of the Goddess, the Holy Spirit, crop circles, and quantum theory. The book is a re-Channeling of Channeled messages I wrote on my LiveJournal Blogs, from 2005, to 2011. The selected materials were rewritten between Feb 8th, and Feb the 19th. The Trance Channeled book was highly inspired by the presence of The Elohim. It is divided into four sections. The first section deals with the Mysteries of the Adam's and Eve's. The second section is Channeled by the Anunnaki, and deals with the human history of extensive, extraterrestrial influences on human history, human genetics by various Alien Races. The third section deals with the Astral codices of Crop Circles, Reverse Engineering, and Astral Schematics.. The fourth section is Channeled by the Elohim, the 72 Holy Names of God. It details in length the Creatrix Goddess, and masculine principles that created the universe.

The DNA of Crop Circles, Ufo's, Extraterrestrials: This book is about the Spatial DNA of Crop Circles, Levity, and Multi-Dimensional Beings. This book provides many answers to the meanings of the enigma, including the anatomy, and schematics of the Cosmic Astral / Aura Super Field. This book offers a Grand Unified Theory to explain all forms of genuine Crop Circle phenomena.

Astral Schematics of the Yantra, Mantra, Mandala: This book deals with the Astral schematics of the Hindu Yantra / Mantra, and universal Mandala. It is about the hidden patterns of Ego, Human Behavior, Time Travel, Astral Ropes- Threads- and Tethers. It also explores quantum spatial mechanics, and the Cosmic Consciousness of HIndu Gods.

The Seshtau Liber: A powerful Channeling of the Egyptian God Amen Ra. The book goes into incredible detail as to the occult origins of the human race.

The Elysian Mysteries: A Trance Channeled work form several years ago. Here I Channel the mystical Spirits of the Greek Real of the Afterlife. Ten poetic secrets of the Eleusinian Mystery are revealed.

The Talisman Odyssey: an epic poem of Kabbalah Adventures: A fictional book of poetry Channeled in the mid 1990's. It explores the adventures of a man thrust into alternate realities. Universes based on the teachings of the Kabbalah.

Riverside Odyssey (Fictional Poetry)
A man is charmed into Fairyland only to be charged with stealing Fairy food.

Genesis of the Dragons: Origins of the Dragon Bloodlines
An Appendix of The Psi-Pantheon Arcana. (The Psi Pantheon Aracna.)

The Christ is the Kabbalah + The Egyptian Book of the Double Horizon
2 books, 30 pages. The first book is a short channeled work about the paradox's found throughout the mysteries of Christ. The Christ that was resurrected, the Christ that was not. The two Judas's, the two Mary's, and so forth. This book also details how Christ could have been the Jewish mystical concept of the Macrorosopus, in the Microprosopus. Or the image of the Kabbalah made Flesh. The second book is another series of long, lengthy prayers for the dearly departed. Channeling this time, the Egyptian Ennead.

Riverside Odyssey: Book 2: The Cyclopses Revelation, and The Triumph of Lilith
Book 2 of Riverside Odyssey. A 25 page poem [ Approximately 400 lines long. that chronicles the Triumph of Lilith and all the Fairie Goddesses, as they build a ladder-stairway to the Moon. As told in a sacred, ancient book owned by a Cyclopes King.

The Court of Ectoplasm, and The Alchemy of Qabalah.: Epic Poems of Magcial Fiction
Two poems. 20 pages. These poems are heavy reading for the want to be Alchemist, or Magic Practitioner. These poems reveal many secrets of Alchemy, and the Qabalah.

Tarot of the Telling
A 25 page fictional epic poem [ Approximately 400 lines in length.] about a man scooped up in a dream. A dream that turns to an Alice In Wonderland nightmare. He is thrust into at he wild world founded upon the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. This poem was once called "Turning of the Tarot" It was re-written after I was inspired by the Rider Tarot Concert by Madonna.

The Soma Sutra: An Epic the Hindu Gods, and Prayers To Gods: Divinity Poems
Two books of poetry in one. 26.pages. Aproximately 500 lines in length. Both books contain "Channelled" , mystical knowledge, and a great deal of effort was but into the creation of these miracles. There is a lot that the would be student of Occultism would study.

The Ruby Dawn: Prayers For the Dearly Departed
This short, 20 page book is the a book of channeled messages by the Egyptian Gods Atum, and Wadjet. The book is designed to be a comfort of healing prayers to the dearly departed.

The Tarot Sub Rosa: Poetic Revelations of the Rider Waite Tarot
This is a 25 page poem of channeled revelations concerning the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. It is approximately 450 to 500 lines in length.

THE NOSTALGIA:: An Epic New Age, Science Fiction Novel
If its new age magical, its here. If you love crystals and alternate universes, you'll love this epic journey beyond the imagination. If you could be a crystal, any crystal, what would you dream about ? How about the creation of numerous, ancient hybrids from Hyborea, like Sphinxes, Centaurs, and Griffins? In this trance channeled novel, years in the making you'll learn of the lives of numerous Fairie clans, Angels, Elves, Goblins, and Leprechauns. How infinite numbers of Sidhe, Unicorns, Sprites, Dryad's, and Giants help save the universe. You'll see through the eyes of giant crystals a crystalline based philosophy of the Angels, and the Kabbalah. To save the universe, the universe of infinite dimensions calls upon a team of inter-dimensional beings. You'll be blow away as the interstellar saviours pass through numerous parallel universes, and altered dimensions. The Kingdom of the Grey's is explored, their technologies, and assistance in building the computer based societies of ancient Egypt, and Atlantis. You'll discover the creation of humans, their early life and the worlds of the "ancient astronauts". This epic covers all things paranormal, Fantasy, and magical.

Methods In Magick:: How to Trance Channel.: Messages from Trance Channeling
This is a collection of deep trance channelled material. It is a sampler of over 2,000 pages drawn down from the Highest Spiritual Realms. The book is written in unconscious code. Your Spirit will understand the messages before your conscious mind does. This book is for that reason written in Bullet Format. You will need a working knowledge of Taoism, Buddhism, and other Eastern Philosophies, including the Kabbalah to comprehend its messages. The writings are also drawn from over 2,000 hours of channelling over a 30 year period. The messages are powerful, deep, and moving. Many of the messages are from Nature Spirits like Fauns, Satry's, and Fairies. While the more Astral Engineering structures of the universe are introduced by the Arch Angel Metatron. Now you too can learn how to tap into the Heart of the Living Cosmos, and enjoy endless revelations waiting for you to discover.

The Hyper-Ram Oracle: The Secret Revelations of the Dragon.... An epic poem of Fantasy
This is an epic poem about a baby dragon who grows up to learn the secrets of his amazing world.

The Epic Of Aradia:: The Life, Adventures and Death of the Queen of the Witches.
This is an epic poem about the birth, life, adventures and death of the Queen of the Witches, known as Aradia. In her journeys she meets up with many of the classical Underworld mythological creatures, including Cernunnos. Approximately 400 to 450 lines in length.

The Essence of Illusion The Logos of the Astral Universe.: How to Astral Engineer a Universe
This is the original, un-edited version of my Channeling sessions. It is Trance Channeled, and transcribed as received. It may contain spelling mistakes, as the Spirits DO NOT obey the laws of Grammar. This book contains the most potent, powerful secrets to the Astral Construction of the Universe humanly known.

THE SERPENTINE SUTRA:: An Epic Fictional Poem.: The Secret Life of the Hindu-Buddhist Serpents
The secret, hidden life of the Hindu and Buddhist mythological Sea Serpent Deities, THE NAGAS, is finally revealed. This epic poem exposes the philosophy and religious attitudes of these mysterious beings.

The Oracle of Origin: An Appendix for The Essence of Illusion
These trance channelled messages were written between December 6th, and January 24th of 2006. Each new channelling is marked by a date. Again, these are the original transcribed works , as they were written during the times I was channelling. Inside are many of the secrets to the sister books, The Essence of Illusion.

Annunnaki, Nephilum, Atlantis: Book 2:Creation of the Super-Cities
The story continues from the first mini-book, "Anunnaki, Nephilum, Atlantis". This time the narrator takes you on a fantastic journey through the factories, and technological complex's of ancient Atlantis. This book, like all my fictional books both poetic, and science fiction are CHANNELLED visualizations made into story format. This book is the original, un-edited transcript of channeled sessions.

The Stones of the Angels Seam.: Making of the Stone Circles
In this 20 page poem, the Angels of the Elohim, and the Fairie clans of the earth team up to produce powerful networks of stone circles on earth. Approximately 400 lines in length.

Lord Effigies The Dead: A Poem of the Underworld
His name is Lord Effigies, and he is the commander and chief of all the ancient effigy rituals. The ancient human costumes of sacrificing effigies of gods to the Underworld. In this 20 page poem, Lord Effigies narrates a journey through the Underworld in his eyes. Approximately 400 lines in length.

The Psi Pantheon Arcana: Samples 13 to 24.: The Book of Fertilities
This short book of 30 pages reveals many potent secrets of the occult. It continues from the Cernunnos Bible, the first books of the Psi-Pantheon Arcana available on my website. This book details the deepest states of trance channeling humanly possible.

3 Treatises of Alchemy : Book of the Hidden.: Book of the Vampire, Blood of the Saints
35 pages of 3 short Alchemic Treatises, filled with Occult secrets and revelations.

THE KETER QUEST:: A Fictional Odyssey Through the Realms of the Kabbalah
This is a trance channeled series of visions transcribed into a science fiction, New Age adventure. These are the voyages of a holy man as he is transformed into the Highest Realms of Heaven, and explores the deepest worlds of the Kabbalah. The short book was written in 1998 and 1999, I have for reasons of posterity, to keep most of the book it its exact, original format, from the time that it was channeled. No one on earth has ever been exposed to the greatest, inner secrets of the Kabbalah. Except for maybe Enoch himself. The visions contained in this book can be used as Creative Visualization techniquesa.
